Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Comparing apples and oranges

Our beloved government has done it again: they have shown that they think us to be morons. While it is true that a significant portion of our population has had a very limited education, it does not mean that even this part cannot see through the bull-dung.

I would like to direct your attention to the latest utterance: We should not complain about the price of petrol or houses because Great Britain, Finland, Australia and probable Japan all pay more for the same items than we do. Nothing wrong with the facts there, but let's take a step back for a bit. You see, our friends over there in the first world do not only pay more for their their houses and fuel for their cars, their employers also pay more for their labour. Significantly more in fact.

Take yours truly as an example. I earn roughly R10 000 a month as a relatively wet-behind-the-ears computer programmer. My good friend across the water in the USA earns that in Dollars. He pays just as much for housing as I do, but he earns 7.56 times as much as I do at the current exchange rate. He also pays about 25-40% less for his Opel Astra OPC than I would have IF I could afford one.

Yes, we pay less for electricity than everyone else in the world, but compare African countries to other African countries please! I spend about 40% of my salary on the installments on my Corsa Lite and the cost of getting said Corsa Lite to the city center five days a week. My friend, on the other hand would only spend about 7%.

As an interesting fact: my meager earnings are only about two-thirds of the minimum wage ($12 an hour X 172 hours per week = ~R15 000) as stipulated by the United States government.

Friday, March 14, 2008



ANC wants to nationalise UFS

Johannesburg - Nationalising the University of the Free State (UFS), "to protect the national asset", must start immediately, the African National Congress (ANC) and its alliance partners said on Friday.

Some one thousand workers from various unions affiliated to the Congress of SA Trade Unions (Cosatu) marched to the UFS in Bloemfontein to hand over the demand, contained in a memorandum on racism at the institution.

It was addressed to the Department of Education and the UFS management.

Cosatu deputy chairperson in the Free State Sibongile Makoe, in handing over the document, said the UFS management had allowed racism to "breed" within the institution.


"It has become clear that during all these years, while basking under the glory of being a transformed university, the UFS has actually been a breeding nest for racism and racist elements."

The march followed a video that surfaced recently showing black university workers on their knees, eating food that had apparently been urinated on. This was part of a mock initiation by white male students at the Reitz men's residence.

Various provincial ANC leaders, members of the legislature, councillors of the Mangaung local municipality and provincial union leaders led the march to the UFS.

The protesters also demanded that the Department of Education disband the governing and management structures of the UFS.

"The governing and management structures of the UFS have turned a blind eye to the breeding and have actually nurtured the growth of racism in the institution by not dealing with racism," the memorandum read.

Other demands include that Minister of Education Naledi Pandor dismiss UFS Rector Frederick Fourie and the Dean of Student Affairs Natie Luyt.

Destroy apartheid

The chief of staff in the ministry, Thulani Mavuso, received the memorandum on behalf of the department.

ANC deputy chairperson in the Free State Pat Matosa told the crowd the university management should not provoke the alliance because it would not be able to "contain" it. He said the message should be clear that "apartheid" would be destroyed at the UFS.

"It will never rise again," said Matosa to huge applause.

He also called on authorities to change the name of the university and the province to rid them of their colonial image.

Matosa said the protest would not lose momentum until the university "belongs to the people".

The provincial secretary of the South African Communist Party Phel Parkies, said the Reitz video was no "accident". He said it was a clear indication that racism was still present in South Africa.

Parkies said a deadline should be set for Fourie to resign or be removed.

South African Students Congress spokesperson Biko Mathe said racism was not only a UFS matter.

Students at other institutions grappled with the same problem, making it a "South African issue".

He also called for Fourie to resign because he was not an "agent of change" after seven years on the job.

"It's time that we have a black vice-chancellor," Mathe said.

now this last statement just makes me laugh, one of those ironic laughs. Here is a man that wants to destroy all racism, yet he demands a black vice-chancellor. Why a black vice-chancellor? Why not just another vice-chancellor? What if we demanded a white vice-chancellor? What exactly constitutes racism and racial prejudice if you are allowed to demand a black person hold a certain position, while just catching your breath from condemning racism?

I DEMAND a white news presenter on the Afrikaans news on SABC 1,2 and 3, thank you very much.

Die boer doen verslag

Dit is met afgryse wat ek lees oor die jongste gevalle van rasistiese aanvalle op ons swakkes. Ek gee nie om of een of ander naiewe/arrogante Afrika-afgodjie sê dat dit nie rassisties van aard is, en dat dit slegs uit nood gedoen, is nie, ek val nie daarvoor nie. Net omdat dit die populêre siening is, beteken nie dat dit noodwending die waarheid is nie. Die media, soos ons dit vandag ken, mislei ons opsetlik met ‘n drie-delige, maar tog supplementêre aanval.

Leon Trotsky het opgemerk dat :“If you have an epithet, why think?”. Hy het gepraat oor hoe om die opposisie in toom te hou. Volgens hom het jy net nodig om die opposisie te brandmerk, in ons geval as “rassiste”. Elke slag wat die opposisie opstandig word, of as ons in die buiteland steun probeer werf, word ons eenvoudig rassiste genoem, en daar is ons alle geloofwaardigheid kwyt. Die tegniek werk so: wanneer jy iemand genoeg ‘n byvoeglike naamwoord toesnou, dan word dit later summier aanvaar, geen verdere redenasie is meer nodig nie.

Die tweede deel van die aanval is die feit dat, as jy ‘n leuen genoeg herhaal, die publiek dit as waarheid aanvaar. So dan word ons daagliks wysgemaak dat daar eintlik geen rusie of haat tussen die rasse bestaan nie, geen wraaksugtigheid of kwade gevoelens nie, die persepsie dat wetteloosheid aan die orde van die dag is, is volgens ons huidige president dan juis dit: ‘n persepsie. So word die mense dit ingedril dat alles lieflik is, net soos wat jy ‘n papegaai leer praat.

Die derde, en mees gevaarlike tegniek is om mense te oortuig om “liewer na die positiewe te kyk”. Ons word wysgemaak dat ons misdaad, anargie en die totale onbekwaamheid op ALLE vlakke van ons samelewing moet ignoreer, en liewer konsentreer op die weer. Ek oordryf nie hier nie, ons word vertel dat Suid-Afrika die wonderlikste weer ter wereld het, ons het natuurskoon en wildreservate. Ons het die vriendelikste mense in die wereld, en ons braai en suip mos lekkerder as enige ander land. Vergeet van misdaad en totale barbaarsheid, eet ‘n tjoppie en knak nog ‘n ou biertjie, lekker naief soos ‘n vyfjarige dogterjie met groot oë en strikkies in die hare. Moenie ongemaklike vrae vra nie, die grootmense is besig.

Maar ek val nie daarvoor nie, en daar is baie soos ek.

Natuurlik is ek ‘n rassis, hoe kan ek NIE wees nie? Wanneer alles in my daaglikse lewe direk geraak word daardeur… Ek het die reënboognasie ding probeer, en ek het glad nie daarvan gehou nie. Ek is nie bereid om my kultuur en lewenswyse prys te gee om ‘n indringer tevrede te stel nie. Die Palestyne, Jode en die inwoners van Kosovo wil ook nie meng met ander nasies nie. Hulle het dit ook vir lank probeer, maar dit het ‘n bitter smaak in die mond gelaat, nes hier in Suid-Afrika (Azanië?).

Natuurlik is daar wraaksugtigheid en wetteloosheid in ons daaglikse lewens. Jy het net nodig om koerant te lees om te sien dat daar iets ernstig fout is met hierdie land waarin ons woon. “Ek gaan die oumiesies doodmaak”, “Daar was soveel haat in sy oë”, “vingers met snoeiskêr afgesny”, “gebrand met ‘n strykyster”, “80-jarige vrou verkrag”, “man agter bakkie gesleep”. Is dit werklik net uit honger-nood of geldnood wat hierdie misdade gepleeg word? NEE. As dit wel was, sou mense nie seergemaak en gemartel word nie. Die kriminele sou eenvoudig die yskas en kluis leegmaak en dan verkas, om die volgende huis te stroop. Nee, mense, hierdie is haat-aanvalle op mense wat as vyande gesien word. Selfs die swartmense in die “informele nedersettings” word nie gespaar nie. Is dit ‘n rookskerm? Of is dit dalk omdat hierdie swart slagoffers nie lus het vir rusie met die witman nie? Die aanvallers is oorweldigend van een generasie: die “struggle”-babas. Daardie kinders wat met een doel grootgemaak is: om die witman en sy makkers dood te maak. En moenie Nigeriërs blameer vir geweldadige aanvalle nie, hulle is te professioneel daarvoor. Hulle sal jou slegs leed aandoen as jy ‘n bedreiging inhou.

Natuurlik is daar ander lande wat ook wonderlike weer het. Daar is ander lande met pragtige natuurskoon en wilde diere. Ek kan in enige land ‘n braaivleis vuur aansteek en ‘n bier geniet. Nee, ek sal nie die olifant in my sitkamer ignoreer nie. Veral nie as hierdie olifant stink poep ook nie. Die keiser het nie klere aan nie en iemand moet hom daarop wys. Is goeie weer en braaivleis rêrig belangriker as die lewe van jou en jou kinders? As jy so dink, of wil hê EK moet so dink, dan is JOU lewe wel nie belangriker nie, maar myne en my geliefdes s’n is.